Rx Fitness   is excited to re-open our doors on June 1st.! We are committed to doing everything possible to provde a safe environment for our clients and staff. Please view our COVID-19  Spread Protection  Procedures, so you know what to expect.
Rx Fitness   is excited to re-open our doors on June 1st.! We are committed to doing everything possible to provde a safe environment for our clients and staff. Please view our COVID-19  Spread Protection  Procedures, so you know what to expect.
(302) 366-1414 rxfitnessde@gmail.com 16 Polly Drummond Shopping Center, Newark, DE 19711


Personal Training

  • A customized exercise program focusing on resistance and cardiovascular training
  • Proper nutrition and wellness guidelines
  • Improve your progress and see results
  • 30 and 60 minute individual or partner sessions are available

Find out more about our personal training services and benefits

Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT)

  • Dynamic muscular assessment system
  • Analyzes and corrects muscular imbalances.
  • It has the potential to significantly improve functional capabilities in people of all ages
  • Extend career longevity and performance for professional athletes.
  • Successful in injury rehabilitation, the reduction and elimination of pain and fatigue, as well as enhancing muscle recovery in athletes and non-athletes alike.

Find out more about our muscle activation techniques

Nutrition Counseling

While some clients come in for a nutrition consultation to learn more about how their food choices affect their health, others end up in our studio at their doctor’s suggestion. The following are just a few of the conditions that can benefit specifically from dietary interventions:

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Allergies
  • Diabetes and pre-diabetic conditions
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Celiac disease
  • Obesity or overweight
  • Pregnancy

Massage Therapy

  • Kristine Heist – Kris is a Board Certified Therapeutic Massage and Body Worker (BCTMB), and has been a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) since 2004. Kris has eight years of experience providing medical massage to chiropractic patients recovering from automobile injuries. Her services include Swedish Massage, Medical, Sports, Deep Tissue and Chair Massage. Other modalities that Kris can provide include Myofascial Release, Shiatsu and Reflexology. Phone: (302) 584-7064 | Email: heistkv@verizon.net | Website: kheist.massagetherapy.com
  • Tien Shao – Tian Shao is a Licensed Massage Therapist and a Certified Medical Massage Practitioner since 2006 in Delaware. Tian is also a Certified Medical Massage Practitioner. In order to increase her skills and effectiveness she also has spent considerable time in China taking more massage training classes. Tian has been in massage business for more than 15 years, and serving in Newark, DE for the last 13 years. Tian combines Western and Eastern massage strategy into her own skill. Acupressure, Sports, Cupping, Scrapping, and Deep Tissue are her specialties. Phone: (302) 883-7336 | Website: www.premieremassage.net